Monday, February 2, 2009

Brasserie Breads and Sydney 2 The Bread Section

Working in the bread section at Brasserie:

Love this mixer...75 Kilos of dough, and no back ache!

The ciabatta and paniini was rested on these big boards and cut out with a custom cutter. This method allowed the dough to rest with out knocking the air out.

Stretching the dough for resting

Primary fermentation: weighed amounts of dough rests in bins before being processed.

Ali.....mixer man.

1 comment:

Sisel said...

Hey Mart - tell me more about these gluten free sourdough breads!

Why this blog.....

My photo
January to March 2009. I was on Professional Development leave from my teaching Job at the Culinary Institute of Vancouver Island Universtity. I chose to take a 3 month leave to visit bakeries and teachng institutions in Australia. Thank you to VIU and my union (BCGEU) for supporting this venture. The aim of this blog was to keep an ongoing diary of my experiences and share them with my students and colleagues. This sure beats coming up with a report and slide show months later. I mean "FRESH" is what baking is all about! Learned to bake back in 1978....making granola...but that is another story. .